The purpose of a mortgage modification is to get your monthly payment to a more affordable level. An affordable mortgage payment is typically defined as 31% of the borrower's monthly gross income.

As long as you can verify a legitimate financial hardship that impacts your ability to make your loan payments, you may qualify. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be behind on your payments before a lender will consider doing a loan modification with you. If you are behind on your payment or facing foreclosure, applying for a loan modification places a temporary halt on the foreclosure process.


No Credit/Debit Cards required

Note: We do not charge any fees upfront for our services; in many cases it is free however fees/cost occurred due to additional hours spent on a case to case basis will only be charged after having the written approval from the mortgage lender/servicing company/investors.

Disclaimer: We do not guarantee a modification and do not promise mortgage payment reduction through mortgage modification, it is a sole discretion of a mortgage company. We never suggest any home owner at any situation to miss a mortgage payment and send payment to us instead. We request to you please let us know if you are not satisfied with the services provided.
